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December Astrology - 2021 Ends with a Big Bang

Writer's picture: soulparadise222soulparadise222

Here we come with the last month of this absolutely crazy year ! This year has come to an end super fast, as you must be feeling the time speeding up and everything is happening so much quicker than ever before. We are living in the most transformational times, as we are just about to finish the first year in the new Aquarius Age which is all about shifting into higher consciousness as the entire planet. Transformation is painful but beautiful and exciting at the same time! It teaches us the greatest lessons in humanity.

As a result of that, more and more people start questioning the matrix (physical 3D) reality and what is truly real in this world as they begin to open up to the spiritual realm more and more.

It is important to do energetic protection around yourself daily , as the higher we shift in consciousness, the more dark forces we naturally will face as they will always try and dim our light therefore we must overcome and become powerful over those forces. God always win above all Evils - this is all you need to remember always. And now...

Lets look at some Important Dates for December Astrology

Dec 04 - New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius

This new moon definitely marks a new beginning since it is not just an usual new moon but it brings intense energies with the solar eclipse. Eclipse always marks a new chapter in our lives, and this eclipse is here to show us what needs changing in our lives, what no longer serves us, what relationships, jobs or other situations we need to release that are holding us back from our true happiness. What I personally feel in the energies; what we did not take action towards during last Eclipse season (June - July 2021), this eclipse is truly going to push us to complete that cycle, to take action towards our heart desires and changes that are meant for our highest good. This Eclipse has very "forceful" energies so if it is your time to begin your new journey, the energies will force you even though you may not feel ready for it. But, if you resist so hard, the consequences are that you will suffer so hard too. I always tell my clients to get out of their head and start listening to their heart and intuition - if you do not, you will just repeat the karmic cycle and attract more pain in the process. Is it worth it? I do not think so..

Sagittarius may bring up intense emotions of anger, anxiety for healing and on the positive side, passion and adventure will be heating up the bedroom for some out there!!! Jay !

Dec 06 - Mars in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn

This strategic combination could give us energy and ambition as we chase after our heart's desires. It's a very potential time to get what we want.

Dec 13 - Mars enters Sagittarius

For the next 6 weeks, Mars in the sign of the Archer will put us on a quest for action, adventure, and the truth. Fuelled by wanderlust and passion for our ideals, we could be too quick to take action, even if we don't finish what we already started.

Dec 18 - Full moon in Gemini

A wonderful time for making small changes, communicating with loved ones, speaking up for yourself, speaking your truth, learning to open up with your communication if you were someone to always supress, it is even good time for taking small trips. It's actually better for finishing projects and not starting them.

Dec 19 — Venus goes retrograde in Capricorn

An uncomfortable retrograde for Venus, who was already unhappy being in Capricorn to begin with. For the next 40 days, it is an opportunity for strengthening and healing relationships since Venus is the planet of Love; so close relationships could be tested and exes could come back from the past. It's best to set clear healthy boundaries during this time if necessary.

Dec 19 — Chiron goes direct in Aries

Chiron is the planet of deep soul healing. Healing can begin again as we seek the source of our pain and learn to let go of the past.

Dec 21 — Sun enters Capricorn/Winter Solstice

On the shortest day of the year, we begin to turn our focus to our careers, public image, and achievements for the next 4 weeks.

There is normally a big shift spiritually that happens around this day/time.

Dec 24 — Jupiter in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus

Big opportunities could come from this transit, but we must not accept anything blindly. It's better to think before we act. Listen to your heart and not your ego.

Dec 28 — Jupiter enters Pisces

Back in Pisces, Jupiter in this sign could help us attract luck and opportunities through imagination, intuition and compassionate energy. Acts of charity, idealism, and tenderness will be rewarded as the world becomes a little kinder. Everything feels good and light. It is time to become your own magician and manifest what is truly yours. Remember to manifest through your heart chakra and not your mind.

Dec 29 — Mercury in Capricorn conjunct Venus in Capricorn

Communication is deeply important in this aspect it helps us find the words to tell loved ones how we really feel. Could be a good opportunity for proposals, contracts, or setting boundaries.

Twinflames or soulmates also may be returning into your life to rekindle the passion and love.

Dec 30 — Mercury in Capricorn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn

As 2021 comes to an end, we are encouraged to have deep conversations about serious subjects, while getting to the core of our wants and ambitions. It's a great opportunity to come up with some New Year’s resolutions. Let us do it ! Let us manifest it!

Spiritual twinflame healers predicted many reunions for twinflames for November and December this year 2021 or at least this last month energy will bring the big shift for many twinflames to move them closer to their diving timing for reunion. I have personally been helping twinflames with their active healing and I experienced already quite a few reunions within my circle in November, which is fabulous news! More to come this month, December.

As the world is shifting into the New Age, more twinflames are about to reunite since they play a massive role in rising the collective consciousness. This is the highest vibrational connection on Earth as they often call twinflames "power couple" and we must be aware of the constant dark forces that are trying to delay our reunions. Be sure to connect more often with your heart and soul and detach from the mind, the ego. Pray, meditate and protect your energy daily. If you are on your twinflame journey and would like to check out the collective twinflame guidance on my youtube channel to see what December Astrology might bring for you and your connection, then click on this link below. Interestingly, whilst I received the cards reflecting transformation in November, continuing that energy, in December we are going to experience lot of reunions, renewed passion and love with twinflame couples. The link to the video is here for you to watch.

Remember, this life is your journey, make sure you are living it for you and not for others around you. If you need any professional guidance navigating through any mental, emotional challenge this month, feel free to reach out. I offer Spiritual Healing (Inner Child) Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Past Life Healing and Soul Transformation Packages available at superb price. Make sure you check out client's testimonials

I am looking forward to connecting with you in divine timing.

Love and Blessings, Soul Paradise x

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