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Client Success Story - Magical recovery from deadly cancer with Reiki (Holy Fire) Energy Healing

This client of mine, who is such a beautiful soul has been suffering with a very dangerous and painful cancer since 2020. She was guided to me by the Divine at the very beginning of 2021. When doctors told her she had a few months to live, I then said " will recover, you do not listen to doctors' negativity, but only listen to God within who is divine, strong, positive and powerful. God is with you at all times and will heal you, that is a promise..."

We then began with her healing process. Over time we have built a fantastic friendship as we worked together in bringing her back into her best state. Her willingness and faith in God was everything. She has been miraculously healing and she even shocked the doctors with her positive results and speedy recovery. When you believe in yourself, everything is possible.

Because she has such a magical story, I asked her to share so others who are on similar path can get some inspiration and see how spiritual healing, your own willingness and faith in God can change even the impossible.

Here is my client story...

"My Spiritual Evolution"

What do you do when told you have six months left to live? Curl up into a little ball and hope it will go away? Or face it full on…. listening to advice but making your own rules up along the way? I chose the latter.

I was lucky enough not to be told my cancer was terminal, just incurable. In December 2020 my oesophageal cancer returned to my peritoneum. I was told it’s all about ‘quality of life. now: making sure I’m as comfortable as can be in my remaining time (6-9 months) on this mortal Earth. A lot to take on board at the age of 54.

The first couple of months were dark days, me and the kids trying to readjust to a new dynamic, they swiftly became carers again and rallied round to make sure we had all the support and information available to fight this particular disease. I was at UCLH, very poorly, trying to find a way out of the bowel obstruction caused by the cancer. I was in hospital for six weeks, given FOLFOX chemotherapy and started on TPN, an intravenous feed through a PICC line going straight to the main artery above my heart – I felt like a sci-fi experiment!

I was able to go home with a lot of community medical support mid-January 2021, returning to hospital for regular doses of FOLFOX as my fist line of treatment. I naturally became interested in what happened in the afterlife and decided to reignite my practise of Anglican Christianity, the denomination I was brought up with. It felt familiar and gave me great comfort to be a part of a community even though it had to be online to begin with due to Covid. I joined St Anne’s Church on Kew Green who welcomed me with open arms, and began a dialogue with the Priest, Father Nigel. He helped me come to terms with my imminent death and guided me through the process of a Christian death so I would be prepared when the time came.

This gave me the strength to explore other Spiritual avenues and I reached out to Soul Paradise (Soul Power), a reiki and hypnotherapy healer who has helped me to deal with the anxiety, symptoms and side effects associated with cancer and chemotherapy. We connected immediately and she told me I could have reiki remotely. I was amazed, I’d never heard of getting treatment over the internet…it was new to me. I was suspicious at first, wondering if and how it would work. But after our first session, and some reassurance from my sister, I was sold! I immediately felt her energy inside my body, unblocking my chakras.

Soul Paradise explained to me how cancer can be caused by emotional traumas in a person’s life which can be cured by unblocking and cleansing your Chakras. I had my first virtual session with her at the beginning of February and immediately felt a strong connection with her, I knew she was going to be part of my spiritual healing journey. A week after our first session I nearly died!

I’d spent the evening at home watching Dumbo with my daughter, I’d just had a dose of FOLFOX which gives you chemo brain – the inability for your brain to function, so a cartoon is just perfect, I ended up drifting off to sleep then suddenly the intense pain started... so my daughter, Athena called the hospice. They couldn’t come fast enough and I quickly became paralysed by pain. Charlie and Jamie rushed home, bundled me into the car and drove me to UCLH (I can’t remember much of this, just the agonising, intense pain…nothing else registered). As soon as we arrived, I was surrounded by medics and whisked off to the resuscitation room. I vaguely remember being naked on a gurney, shivering uncontrollably, pleading with the nurses for a blanket. They wouldn’t give me one. I was going into septic shock. Then as quickly as it started, they had me under control, dressed me in a robe, wrapped me in blankets and bundled me off to ICU. I was finally coming around and able to think, feel and see where I was. The Doctor came in and told me I was going to die. I didn’t believe him. My children and Ali were allowed in to see me two at a time to say their last farewells. I told them I wasn’t going to die so stop making such fuss!

My ex-partner Ali even got his mullah on the phone to marry us spiritually, so that our children were Halal in the face of God. I happily agreed as I knew it was something, we were meaning to do but never got around to. I love Ali and I always will. He is the love of my life, but I could never be his long-term partner, we were too different. I knew the blessing meant a lot to him, as it did to me. The staff let them all in at the same time due to the circumstances and we had our wedding photo shoot in A&E! I was as high as a kite on drugs.

The next day the doctor came to see me. He walked in looking amazed and puzzled. I told him to sit down before he fell down, he was exhausted at the end of a very long shift. He shook his head and told me that the scan showed bowel ischemia – there were perforations in the wall, gas had escaped and some of my bowel tissue had died, I was a medical wonder, I should have been dead!

The fact that I wasn’t led me to believe that I’d been touched by God; he had pulled me away from death and decided to keep me alive for a while longer. I spent three days in Intensive Care where I was met by a nurse called Concetta (she was actually a psychotherapist too). She felt like my Guardian Angel, chatting to me about all sorts of things to keep me alive and interested. After three days I was transferred from ICU to the Oncology Ward where I was nursed, back to strength by the specialist nurses. They couldn’t believe my story and they all wanted me to write it down. I didn’t have the strength so I kept a journal as a record for myself, until Soul Paradise asked me to share. So here I am, one year later and still very much alive.

I believe my survival so far has been a mixture of spiritual evolution, positive mental attitude and determination and a bit of pure luck! Soul Paradise has been there all the way, healing me through weekly reiki sessions. I’ve taken up meditating big time and have recently joined a course at the London Psychic College to learn to delve deeper into the presence of spirits and the afterlife and how to become a healer. My wish is to be able to heal or at least bring comfort to others who are going through similar traumas. I will still need Soul Paradise even, if I’m a successful self-healer, I believe I will still need to have interaction with a third party to get the full benefits of healing. I suppose it’s similar to becoming a psychiatrist or Doctor, you can’t analyse yourself or operate on your own body.

I feel grateful that God has brought me a fine reiki practitioner. We are going to explore hypnotherapy soon, with a view to discovering my previous life - reincarnation.

I have such a supportive network of family and friends, my children being the strongest support, caring for me so well during these last few years. They are all supportive of alternative treatments and have done their own searches for me to use instead of medicine (and there are plenty out there). Just a word of warning…charlatans can prey on your vulnerability when you have cancer as well as your loved ones. The way to find the genuine practitioners is to go through recommendation. I can’t recommend Soul Paradise more. She knows her stuff and goes out of her way to make sure you get first class treatment, getting to know you inside out! I will continue using her for as long as I live. Having Reiki at least once a week is like having an MOT. You have to maintain your body and soul regularly for them to last.

I have just completed a challenging course of treatment of two abdominal operations interlaced with IV chemotherapy, my body has taken a bashing! I now have some respite for at least six weeks! Time to recuperate, with the help of Soul Paradise to prepare myself for future treatments. This time last year I wouldn’t have dreamt that I would still be here to write this!! Thank you to God and Soul Paradise.

I kept a transcript when I started reiki. This is one from the 9th February 2021, my second session, to give you an example of what to expect:

9th February 2021

(6 days after my near-death experience due to bowel ischemia)

Reiki with Soul Paradise

Soul Paradise’s (SP) experience:

The energy SP was feeling was very powerful – her temperature increased, she released a lot of energy from my head space (crown chakra) and my third eye. She felt tension and energy release.

(I had a headache around this time which went). She felt physical pain in my heart which she cleared, it was all the past hurt and resentment which needed to be released. I need to ask for forgiveness and gratitude.

She went on to describe a crazy, powerful buzzing and asked how much I felt after we’d finished. I felt relaxed.

She encouraged me to express gratitude and foresaw the two of us together. She predicted that once I recover, I will be healing other people with cancer myself as well as people with other illnesses to get better through a charitable platform.

She told me I was going through a massive transformation, and was sending so much love out into the universe.

My experience:

I started with a vision of being on a zoom call with loads of women talking to me and I cut them all off.

I had fatigue, heart pain and back pain. The pain dispersed during the session and I felt more energetic when I woke up.

I slept for the beginning of the second half of the session. Then I woke up, turned onto my other side and felt energy gushing out of me. I had a vision I was standing beneath a waterfall, cleansing my body. I ended up lying in Savana, feeling calm and serene, my anxiety had disappeared.

Soon after this session I told SP the results of my scan – the perforation in my abdominal wall had healed, there was no dead tissue and the bubbles outside the wall were dispersing with no sign of blood clots so I was healed. I still had peritoneal disease in the same places as before but they hadn’t measured it to see if it had reduced at all so I still had a fight ahead of me, they were going to review my treatment in a couple of weeks to give me time to recover my strength.

I’ve been given nearly nine cycles of Paclitaxel chemotherapy starting in May 2021, and went to Ghent to have a pioneering PIPAC operation in December 2021 and February 2022. As previously mentioned, I’m on another break now with a report of no visible cancer cells in the peritoneum and a negative biopsy of the suspected lesions. (This doesn’t conclusively mean my cancer has gone as this type of cancer is cellular and too small to be detected by the human eye or CT scans).

On a more personal note, I’ve started exploring the psychic world learning how to become a medium and a healer (I haven’t chosen which path to take yet). I’m about to start exploring reiki healing myself but will still have weekly sessions with SP as she is such a good reiki practitioner and we connect so well. I’ve also asked her to regress me by hypnotherapy to explore my previous life; the existence of reincarnation. Spiritualism and the study of being psychic are fascinating topics with so many branches to explore. It’s given me a new path to follow. Writing this and revisiting my journal has made me realise that Soul Paradise actually predicted I would take this learning path a year ago! Another example of her strong psychic abilities. Quite profound.

Love and Blessings, D x.

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