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''Always follow your heart - Happiness is within.  Always listen to your gut - Truth is within'' 

My Spiritual Journey..



I totally believe that we all come to this world to full-fill an individual purpose with the guidance of our Higher-Self, God or the Universe - whatever you believe in. Although, you can alter your directions in life with your free will at times, but there is no escape from your destiny.


Do you know what your soul mission is? Are you aware of why certain events and karmic cycles are repeating through your life? Then I will suggest to book a Soul Plan Reading Session.


It had taken me many years of going through challenging times till I became clear of my life purpose. Sometimes, we spend decades soul searching for the answers aimlessly and yet, we feel lost.



In fact, most people do not live an authentic life, because it means choosing and loving the Self unconditionally, it means getting out of restricted comfort zones and listening to inner guidance instead of allowing outside circumstances to lead the way. 



The outside world is purely a reflection of your inner world. What vibes are you sending out?

Is it love, gratitude and positivity or is it fear, darkness, limitations and insecurity?




Millions stay stuck in dead end jobs or loveless relationships for many years. It is a choice due to inner fears and limiting beliefs that also have been greatly enhanced by society. Rather than choosing ourselves freely, we often choose the outside world to impress therefore, put ourselves behind.

Questioning - What others will say and think, if we take the leap of faith? if we stand up for ourselves?


Your life will always be only as good as your mindset.


Do you act, be and do as your authentic self? Do you regularly stay tuned with your heart and intuition?



We go through pain and grow through pain. Every Breakdown is a Breakthrough.


I was walking through "the dark tunnel" for a very long time until I got to see the light again.. 

Today I know that my reason to be here is to serve the world through helping, healing and inspiring.


I have been a spiritual healer through lifetimes and now back here on Planet Earth again to do the same.


I am a qualified but more importantly, a highly experienced Reiki Energy Master and Crystal Healer helping lost souls on their healing journey; face to face and remotely from a distance (internationally recognised).


I am also a qualified (advanced) Hypnotherapist and Spiritual Counsellor. Currently further studying Astrology and Soul Transformation; gaining knowledge from highly reputable masters in spirituality. My studies help me to deepen my knowledge and become the best I possible can for myself and my clients. Some of my studies were involved travelling to Portugal and the UK over the years. Expressing my huge gratitude to all people, who have been part of my journey- without them I would not be, Who I am today. 

Reiki Healing Dagenham

In the past I struggled with relationships, fear, anger, insecurities, addictions, anxiety, due to my past life and childhood experiences. We, humans tend to ignore and run away from it all because it feels easier. Although it is important to understand that we are only running away from ourselves. It is fact, what we do not heal, will always keep hunting us that eventually only cause more damage, disappointment and unhappiness in life. So best to deal with the matter.



When you make the shift internally, everything will shift externally. Energy always has to match.

Peace and Love within, Peace and Love with out. Fear and Dark within, Fear and Dark with out.



Are you committed to transform your life?


Sometimes you may not feel ready for the big change in your life, but you should know that it always happens for your highest good. And when you go against the necessary change, God will only break you down more. Just to build yourself up even stronger.


My life took a turn in 2010 when my spiritual journey has (consciously) begun. Having experienced a soul death and rebirth, it was forever life changing. This time I began mastering the art of meditation.


I always recommend to all my clients to practise deep breathing, tai chi and meditation daily, because I know how miraculously it can change your mind, spirit and therefore, your life.



Your desire for the change must be stronger than your fears



2018 was the second greatest turning point that truly changed my life forever; when I met my Twin Flame in 3D (another incarnation of my soul) and this re-union triggered my greatest spiritual awakening.

I went through hell in the process of soul searching and soul healing, although as a result of turning all that pain into my power I have become a very knowledgeable energy healer. 

 I am now helping my Twin Flame clients with their inner-child healing, and some of them have actually reunited with their Twins since. I am currently writing my first Twin Flame book too. Exciting times ahead!


 My everyday goal is to help you and others create balance in body, mind and soul, to align with your highest truth, to show the divine path you are here to walk. To tap into the unconditional love within. 

The journey is never easy, but the results are priceless and worth all the hard work.


Remember to keep Loving Yourself and keep riding the waves with positivity, strength. With great faith deep in your heart that there is always a beautiful, bright light at the end of tunnel.


God always gives you what you need and not what you want in order to become stronger, better, wiser



Thank you so much for taking the time to read my story. I hope I have inspired you.

Please contact me with confidence and trust.


Remember, the Power is Within YOU. You are your own healer.


Sending my unconditional love & blessings your way,

Soul Paradise x

My Stories..

animal reiki

At the Reiki Energy Healing Attunement Course in Portugal, we learnt animal communication and animal healing too.


This also helped me to overcome my cynophobia (fear of dogs),

at the age of 3 I was attacked, my parents 

managed to save me, before the dog almost completely tore me apart.


Animals are naturally very intuitive and easily channel into higher vibrational frequencies. Great souls to work with !

Distance Reiki


Portugal is known of its highly spiritual energies.

We also visited some super magical places in the mountains to spend time meditating with the group.


Connecting with yourself in nature is very healing.

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