
Hypnotherapy, Reiki Master and Soul Transformation Therapy Specialist
Soul Plan Reading
Service Description
* Feeling lost and need some guidance about your life purpose? * Wish to explore more about who you are and to gain a deep awareness of yourself both on the human and soul level? * Want to reconnect with your true life purpose and soul destiny? * Want to gain a deep clarity on why certain karmic events keep repeating in your life over and over again? * What if there was an overall guideline that clearly described the challenges you face in life but also highlights your talents and goals both on the wordly and spiritual levels? * What if it could point you in the direction; on how to overcome your challenges and to help you feel more fulfilled in your life? * Equipped with such information would help you to become more aligned with the path that will bring you the most satisfaction and abundance? More inner peace and balance? Although there is no one who can tell you precisely what will occur during your life, there is however an overall plan that exists for each individual. This is your Soul Plan. At the end of the session, you will also receive 'Grace Healing' from the Divine Source that assist with clearing of energy blockages, restrictions and negative limitations on the soul level. Your Soul Plan also suggests Healing Affirmations to practise daily that brings transformation on the soul level. PS: I work approximately 1 hour in the background before our session; by preparing your birth chart, using numerology and intuitive guidance with the help of your original birth name you need to provide me.
Cancellation Policy
Please note there is no cancellation available. To reschedule your existing appointment, please contact me at least 22 hours prior to the original appointment.
Contact Details
Freshwater Road, Dagenham, UK